Your Teen Isn’t Keen on Sports? Here Are 28 Other Cool Activities & Clubs They Might Love

There are LOTS of activities that can be just as cool and fulfilling as sports...

by Nancy Reynolds

This Post: Your Teen Isn’t Keen on Sports? Here Are 28 Other Cool Activities & Clubs They Can Get Involved In

Written By: Marybeth Bock

As a mom, doesn’t it sometimes feel as though nearly every teen you know plays a sport? From football and soccer to baseball and gymnastics, I can tell you that most of my kids’ friends play (or played) some sort of sport.

Sure, there are a ton of awesome benefits to playing a sport, no one can deny that. But what about the kids who, for one reason or another, don’t play a sport?

Maybe they’re not that athletic. Maybe it’s just not their vibe. Maybe they have physical limitations. Maybe they’re the more techy type or maybe they prefer more solitary activities. And, what about the kids who started playing sports shortly after they learned how to walk and they’re now finding themselves burnt out with sports?

If your teen couldn’t care less about playing a sport or they tried it and it just isn’t their thing, there are so many other cool activities & clubs (and hobbies) they can get involved in that reap many of the same benefits of being in sports.

Oh, and parents… don’t fret if your teen doesn’t find their “thing” right away – sometimes, kids have to go through more than a few extracurriculars to find one they’re passionate about. And, that’s okay! Every time they try something new, they step out of their comfort zone (which is a good thing!) and learn more about what they do and don’t like. 

Your Teen Isn’t Keen on Sports? Here Are 28 Other Cool Activities & Clubs They Might Love


If your teen isn’t keen on sports, here are 28 cool activities & clubs they can get involved in.

1. Start Snappin’ Some Pics

Most teenagers are already adept at taking pictures and videos on their phones with cool filters and eye-catching video editing tricks. And with the plethora of apps available, there’s no limit to what they can create straight from their phone. So, whether they use their phone to get started or eventually invest in a high-end digital camera, it’s a great hobby that could end up becoming a profitable business for them. 

Who knows if your selfie queen might someday be a famous photographer or if your snap-happy son or daughter starts to make great money by taking graduation, birthday, or special event photographs? ‘

2. Learn a New Instrument, Join a Band, or Explore Sound Editing

Your teen could learn to play a musical instrument, join a band, write lyrics, or take voice lessons. They could also explore music production, sound editing, or DJing. Visit local music/instrument businesses for resources in your community.

3. Get Involved in the Theater (On Stage or Behind the Curtain)

Not only can your teen participate in the school plays, community theater groups, or drama clubs, but there are also some pretty cool opportunities for kids who don’t necessarily want to be on stage, including production, set design (great for budding artists!) costume design, lighting, and sound. Not only is being involved in drama and theater fun, but it will also help your son or daughter build confidence BIG TIME.

4. Build Spectacular Models

Did your teen love Legos as a young child? Maybe they’d like to revisit that passion by constructing detailed models of cars, airplanes, ships, or even architectural structures. It’s a cool and rewarding way for them to spend a few hours and an awesome feeling when they finally finish an intricate model!

5. Learn How to Play Chess

Because chess requires a great deal of critical thinking, strategic planning, problem-solving, and memorization, it’s been said that it’s GREAT for improving kids’ cognitive skills. (It’s also been said it’s great for kids with ADHD.) But that’s not the real reason your teen might love chess… it’s just plain fun! 

Most schools have a chess club, but if your teen can’t access a club, they should check out beginner YouTube videos or for everything they need to get started and to find both human and AI opponents. 

6. Learn Sewing/Fashion Design

Got a teen who has a slight obsession with the latest trends and fashion? Why not help them take that passion a step further? Maybe they’d like to start designing their own clothes, handbags, accessories, or athletic clothes. And, if they’d like to try their hand at sewing, Inspired to Sew has great tips for beginners who are just getting started.

7. Tap Into Their “Techy Side”

Some kids are just plain hard-wired to be “techy.” You know the ones… they love coding, robotics, or exploring the inner workings of websites and apps. If your teen fits this description, nudge them to get involved in their school’s robotics club, a summer coding camp or to take an online class to learn how to create an app. Your teen’s passion for anything techy could be their future career in the making. But sometimes, our kids need a little nudging (or maybe a gentle shove) to get them moving.

8. Share  Expertise, Humor, or Insight by Podcasting

Do you have a teen who’s passionate about gaming, building a computer, or how to use AI to its fullest? Why not encourage them to start podcasting and teach others what they know? Podcasting involves researching, writing scripts, recording, and editing, which can be fun and educational. Buzzsprout has a step-by-step guide on how to begin.

9. Cooking & Baking for Budding Chefs

I read somewhere recently that 75% of teenagers love watching cooking and baking shows. That’s  A LOT of kids! Let your budding chef or baker take over the kitchen for an afternoon and whip up a few recipes – even if they mess up a bit in the beginning (every great chef had to learn at one point). 

10. Star-Gazing & Astronomy

Did your teen get excited about the recent total solar eclipse or the solar storm that created those beautiful auroras?

Stargazing and learning about constellations, planets, and celestial events can be super awe-inspiring for teenagers. Joining an astronomy club or learning to use a telescope can really boost their interest and get them started on a lifelong hobby.

11. Learn to Fly an Airplane (Yes… you CAN!)

Think your older tween or teen is too young to learn how to fly an airplane? Well… think again! Many designated flight schools cater to young flyers offering clubs, early flight training, and lessons on all the cool particulars of flight and airplane functionality.

(My good friend’s son started flight training when he was 11. He secured his private pilot’s license at 16 years of age and his instrumentation rating at 17.) The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), the largest aviation community in the world, offers a free guide on how your teen can get started and their website is full of helpful information for students.

12. Plant a Garden (Way More Rewarding Than You Think!)

So many of our teens are interested in climate and sustainability issues. Starting their own garden or helping in a community garden can be educational and therapeutic.

It’s a hands-on way for teens to learn about plants, the environment, and nutrition. Check out these tips for beginners from Gardeners World.

13. Try Painting, Drawing, Sketching or MORE

There are so many options for artistic teens  – painting, sketching, drawing, and sculpting, to name a few! Community colleges, recreation centers, and local craft stores are great places to look for courses in your area.

And, just an FYI, research by the National Endowment for the Arts shows that engagement in the arts is linked to stronger school attachments and social bonds in teens, higher academic performance, lower rates of depression and substance abuse, and less screen time.

14. Join the Debate Club

Participating in a debate club can help your teen improve their public speaking, critical thinking, and research skills. Plus, let’s face it… it’s going to teach them how to debate (ahem…argue) productively! It’s also a fantastic way to stay informed about current events and issues. Check out Toastmasters International for information about their public speaking  Youth Leadership Program.

15. Get Healthy with Fitness, Meditation & Yoga

Everyone, including teenagers, should have a few go-to methods to help cope with the stresses of life. Working out at the gym, getting involved in marathons, long-distance bicycling, skateboarding (for instance), or practicing meditation and yoga can help your teen manage their stress, and improve their concentration and overall well-being. They can find tons of help getting started for free by using YouTube videos and phone apps. 

16. Design a Beautiful Fish Tank (i.e. Aquascaping)

Never heard of Aquascaping?  It’s the process of building aquatic plants, stones, driftwood, and other objects to design a beautiful fish tank setup, and is sometimes referred to as “underwater gardening.” Designing and maintaining a beautiful aquarium with plants and aquatic life can be a relaxing and artistic hobby for teens – plus, it’s just really cool!

18. Grab Your Backpack and Get Hiking

Hiking and backpacking are not only great ways for teens to get outdoors and keep active – they can lead to other hobbies like bird and wildlife watching, foraging for edible plants, and learning important survival skills.

Check your local government websites for hiking trail and campground locations and safety information. 

19. Join a Gaming Club

Gaming is a passion of A LOT of teenagers. The problem is they oftentimes do it alone which means little to no one-on-one interaction with others.

By joining a gaming club, they can connect with other kids who are just as passionate about gaming as they are AND enrich their social life as opposed to sitting behind a closed bedroom door. 

20. Learn a New Language

Does your teen dream of visiting Hong Kong one day? Do they excited at the mere idea of hopping on a plane to Italy? Why not encourage them to learn a language (or two) so they can connect and interact with locals when their travel dreams come true? Help them nurture their interest through supplemental classes, apps, or language exchange programs that can be fun for future travels and careers. (Check out the Buyers’ Guide site for the best language learning apps)

21. Get Crafty with Do-It-Yourself Projects

Does your teen love learning something new? Are they a self-professed do-it-yourselfer? Then making crafts might be for them! The cool part is there are TONS and TONS of things they can do.

Jewelry-making, woodworking, making cool bedroom decor or bath products/scrubs, candle-making, TieDye for sweatshirts/t-shirts, holiday gifts and so much more! Plus, if they get into a DIY specialty and become good at it, they can sell their product at craft shows and make a few bucks! 

22. Learn the Art of Calligraphy and Hand-Lettering

If your teen has patience, a steady hand, and artistic talent, then calligraphy could be for them. There is a true art to beautiful writing and lettering and people (think brides-to-be) will pay big bucks to have wedding invitations hand-lettered. Look for classes in your community or have your teen watch online tutorials for tips on how to master the art.

23. Dive Into Family’s History/Geneology

Maybe your teen loves asking questions about previous generations of your family or wants to find out more about where your ancestors came from. Researching family history and creating a family tree can be a meaningful way for them to connect with the past and understand their heritage. Family Search offers helpful genealogy resources.

24. Join (or Start) a Book Club

If your teen loves reading, why not encourage them to join (or start) a book club? It’s a great way for them to meet new, like-minded friends, explore new books, and have fun doing what they love! 

25. Unleash Their Creative Side Through Writing

Joining or starting a creative writing club can help your teen share their essays, stories, poems, and scripts with peers and can be a fun and creative way to connect with new friends and improve their academic writing skills. 

26. Knitting or Other Needle Art

The popularity of knitting is still going strong and getting into any type of needle art can be a terrific way for your teen to chill out and relax – and to create clothing, accessories, and décor pieces for themselves, to sell, or for gifting.

Look at introductory online videos or classes offered at craft stores for knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, cross stitch, weaving, and macrame.

27. Get Involved with the Yearbook Committee

There are tons of things your teen can do on the yearbook committee, depending on their interest. They can be a photographer, help manage layout and design, write and edit copy, interview people, or manage the printing of the yearbook, for instance. Not only is it fun, but they’ll meet new people and gain valuable skills in the process. Who knows? Maybe it will spark a passion for a future career!

28. Support their Favorite Politician

Is your teen passionate about politics? Maybe they’d like to get involved in helping a candidate get elected. From fundraising, and organizing events to behind-the-scenes support, working with their favorite politician might just inspire them to run for office someday.

So, if your teen isn’t into sports, that’s OKAY!

Encourage them to explore other cool activities & clubs they might love! There are countless ways they can stay busy, discover new passions, develop practical skills, and have a productive and enjoyable way to spend their free time.

I hope you found a few cool activities & clubs your teen might enjoy!

Marybeth Bock, MPH, is a Mom to two young adults and one delightful hound dog. She has logged time as a military spouse, childbirth educator, college instructor, and freelance writer. She lives in Arizona and thoroughly enjoys research and writing – as long as iced coffee is involved. Her work can be found on numerous websites and in two books. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram.


If you enjoyed reading, “Your Teen Isn’t Keen on Sports? Here Are 28 Other Cool Activities & Clubs They Might Love,” check out these other posts!

70 Cool Hobbies for Teens (That Aren’t Boring)

38 Business Ideas for Entrepreneurial Teens

25 Cool and Trendy DIY Crafts for Teens

What cool activities & clubs is your teen involved in? Share your insight in the comments section below!

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