This post: 20 Reasons Why Big Sisters Make the Best Lifelong Friends
Big sisters are special. It’s been said that,
“They know where you dream to go and remember where you’ve been. They accept you just the way you are and treat you like a friend. She’s someone who is there for you no matter what or when, and when you spend time with her, it’s like coming home again.”
I know in my home, my two daughters are best friends. Sure, they fight sometimes. In fact, sometimes, they really battle it out. But no matter what, my older daughter (the oldest in the family) remains a powerful influence in my younger daughter’s life. She protects her like a mother, yet loves her like a friend.
For every mother who has daughters, let’s look for ways to nurture the bond between our daughters. Let’s help pave the way for a lifelong friendship and a deep connection that withstands the test of time, distance and, yes, perhaps even the occasional storms.
For every little sister who’s grateful to have an incredible big sister, here are 20 reasons why big sisters make the best lifelong friends.
20 Reasons Why Big Sisters Makes the Best Lifelong Friends
#1 She Knows You Better Than Anyone Else (Maybe Even Better Than Your Parents)
Your sister was there when your mom and dad brought you home from the hospital. She was there when you took your first step, learned your ABCs and learned how to dress yourself. She watched (and helped) you learn how to tie your shoes, ride a bike and pick out cute clothes in middle school. She knows you better than anyone. She doesn’t judge you for your faults and she always seems to know what’s in your heart. She listens and cares… even if you do fight like cats and dogs sometimes.
#2 She Helps Pave the Way
Like a mini bulldozer, your big sister is great at paving the way for you. She has just enough life experience under her belt to guide you and help steer you clear from the mistakes she made – big and small. Whether it’s choosing what to wear on a Friday night out with friends or helping you choose the direction of your life, big sisters are a close second to mamas who guide, protect and pave the way for their babies.
#3 She’s Like Your Mom – Only Younger, Hipper and Calmer
Do you know why big sisters make the best lifelong friends? Because she’s a lot like your mom – always looking out for you, guiding you, and protecting you. But what makes your sis the absolute best is that she’s way cooler, younger and boatloads calmer than your mom. She won’t freak out when you tell her you lied, failed a big test you should have studied for or that you put a dent in the car. You can count on her to help you work through challenges in life, talk you out of a bad idea or give you a “you can do this” nudge when you need it the most.
#4 She’s Your Partner in Crime
Big sisters are notorious for showing their younger sisters the ropes… and, not necessarily in a good way. From your first “don’t tell mom and dad” sip of alcohol and tips on how to flirt to the best way to get your parents to say yes and how to get out of doing chores, she’s your go-to girl when you want to bend the rules or test the waters just a bit and need a few insider tips.
#5 She Knows Things No One Else Knows
Your sister has an inside glimpse into your life like no one else does. She knows things others might not know – your dreams, your hopes, your fears, your worries. She knows every fib you’ve ever told, every crush you’ve ever had and every mistake you’ve ever made. Just like you keep her secrets, she keeps yours because that’s what sisters do.
#6 She Can Make You Laugh When You Need it Most
In your most disappointing moments and darkest days, big sisters have a way of shining a little light and humor on the situation. With an inside joke, a funny “oh, I can totally top that” story or a hilarious video she saw on TikTok, she has an uncanny way of making the chaos of life seem not quite so bad.
#7 She’ll Stand Beside You – No Matter What
When your friends let you down, when you’ve gone through a bad break-up, when you didn’t make the team, didn’t get the part or didn’t get into the college of your dreams, your big sister is always there. She somehow knows what to say and has a way of comforting you and making life a little better in your darkest moments and, you love her for it.
#8 You Can Count on Her to Cut it To You Straight
I know in my house, my oldest daughter is great for tossing out a healthy dose of tough love to her little sister. While my husband and I might soften our delivery… you know, to preserve our daughter’s self-esteem, my oldest, on the other hand, could care less about cushioning her sister’s fall. However, after she’s offered up a crushing blow of reality, you can count on her to stand right beside her sister to lift her up, help her brush herself off and encourage her to keep moving forward regardless of what life throws her way.
#9 She’ll Fight For You
You’ve heard the term “mama bear,” but have you ever heard the term “psycho sister?” Maybe it’s just my oldest daughter with her younger sister (and maybe it’s just a slightly humorous exaggeration) but I’m here to tell you, if anyone messes with her sister, my oldest daughter goes a little psycho. Oh, she won’t do anything too drastic, but you can bet she’ll get in their face and give them a verbal lashing. Big sisters are never afraid to put the gloves on.
#10 She Knows How to Work the System
Everything from squeezing out a better grade in that hard Biology class to knowing all the tips and tricks when taking your written driver’s test, big sisters know the ropes, they know how to work the system and they’re eager to share all their acquired worldly wisdom with their littles.
#11 Her Advice Comes Straight from the Heart
No matter what, your big sis will always have your very best interest at heart. Unlike some of your other “besties,” she knows you… I mean, really knows you. So, when she passes out advice, she offers it from the lens of your past, the knowledge of your present life and the hopes of your future.
#12 She’s One of Your Biggest Cheerleaders
Long before you knew what you were capable of, your big sister already knew. Your sis knows who you are and who you have the ability to become and she’s great at giving you a push (okay, maybe a massive shove) to help you step out of your comfort zone and face the world head-on.
#13 She Lets You Borrow Her Clothes
The best part about having a big sister is that you automatically double your wardrobe. Even if you don’t wear the same size jeans or her feet are bigger than yours, you still reap the benefits of stealing her jewelry, that cute flowy top she just bought and never wore or that super cute handbag she bought on sale. And, even though she totally freaks out when you don’t return her things (or you return them with a big stain on them), she eventually gets over it and caves in when you sheepishly ask if you can raid her closet.
#14 She’s Your “Our Parents are Totally Weird” Advocate
I know my girls would never admit it, but I know they run to each other when my husband and I act weird (at least in their eyes). Whether big sis gives little sis a heads up when my husband and I are in a “mood” or they commiserate with each other when we overreact or freak out about something silly, my oldest springs into action (behind closed doors, of course). Eager to console my younger daughter, she’s quick to admit the fact that yes, “you’re not imagining it,” we really do come from a totally weird family. It’s sisterly solidarity at its best.
#15 She’s the Best Makeup, Boyfriend, Relationship Consultant You’ll Ever Have
If there’s one thing big sisters are great at it’s doling out advice about, well… everything. From the latest fashion and make-up tips to how to deal with a jealous boyfriend and advice on surviving friend drama, big sisters have “been there, done that,” they know the scoop and they’re quick to jump in and be your personal “life, romance, fashion” consultant.
#16 She’s Seen You at Your Absolute Worst… And She Loves You Anyway
She’s seen you when your sick and throwing up, she’s dealt with you on your moodiest days and she’s felt the wrath of your fury when you’re angry with the world for no apparent reason and, she still loves you. Oh, you might argue, yell at each and slam a few doors in each other’s faces, but big sisters will always come around because no matter what happens between you, it’s a bond that can never be broken.
#17 She’s a Little Bit of Your Childhood that Can Never Be Lost
Every childhood memory, every family vacation, every Christmas morning – she was there. She was there the day you learned how to ride a bike, the day you made $15 at your first lemonade stand and the day you finally got your first kiss. She was right beside you the whole way and those memories are forever tucked away in her heart and yours. She holds a snapshot of your childhood that can never be lost or taken away.
#18 She’ll Forever Be Your Backup Plan
Need a ride late at night? Ask your big sister. Need help coming up with an excuse, an idea or a reason? Ask your big sister. Need a few bucks when you’re running low? Ask your big sister. Big sisters are forever your best backup plan for just about anything.
#19 She’ll Laugh and Cry With You
When life is going great, we call our big sisters. When life throws us a curveball, we call our big sisters. When our heart is full or aching, we call our big sisters. Big sisters are part of the fabric of our lives. They always stand ready to listen to laugh and to cry no matter the time or day, because that’s what big sisters do.
#20 She’ll Forever Be Your Bestie Through Thick and Thin
Sisters make the best lifelong friends… no matter where life takes you or how far apart you live from each other, big sisters are always in your life. Someday, (aside from your mom or dad), you’ll be leaning on your big sis for advice on how to cook your mom’s famous pot roast, what to wear on a big job interview, how to decorate your house or apartment, or what type of car you should buy. They are forever in your life, forever by your side, forever your bestie…
Share your stories, thoughts or comments below! Tell us – why do big sisters make the best lifelong friends?
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