This post offers uncensored college advice every freshman should know.
They say hindsight is 20/20. And, for most kids who have been through the trenches of college life as a freshman, they’re quick to list a bunch of things they either wish they knew before venturing off to college or things they wish they would have done differently.
So, for all our college freshmen “newbies” who are on the hunt for a few insider tips before they make the biggest transition of their lives, we’ve rounded up the best uncensored advice from experts (college kids who have walked in your shoes) to make your freshman year in college amazing and maybe a little less stressful!
From the mountain of mistakes they made (and learned from) to helpful advice about making friends, staying healthy, getting along with your roommate, and tips about the party scene, grab hold of a few of these lessons and college advice, and learn from those who have “been there, done that” — all in THEIR words!
Uncensored College Advice Every Freshman Should Know
Take Good Care of Yourself
Of all the college advice our group of experienced freshmen wanted to share, this might be the most important. Take a sh#t ton of vitamins so you don’t spend your entire freshman year in your dorm sicker than a dog. When one kid gets sick, the rest fall like dominos.
Forget Everything You Ever Learned About Making Friends
College is new territory. Branch out. Keep an open mind. Keep your dorm room door open as much as possible. Make friends with people you would never think you’d be friends with. Above all, look up, smile, and be approachable!
Always Take Your Dorm Key With You When You Go Down the Hall to Take a Shower
It’s not fun being locked out of your dorm wearing nothing but a towel and a smile. (Several freshmen fell victim to this mistake!)
College is All About Putting Yourself Out There
Don’t put yourself in a box. Open up your world to new people, new adventures, and new experiences. Have the guts to do and try new things, even if it means failing miserably.
Take Your Grades Seriously and Reach Out for Help If You’re Struggling
Once you get too far behind, it can be crazy hard to catch up.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up If You Have Trouble Adjusting to College Life
Everyone struggles at first. The transition is super hard! Most kids don’t find their stride until the second semester.
Listen to What Your Mom Told You
Eat healthily, drink plenty of water, exercise, and don’t live off of chips and beer. In the end, a crappy diet with too much partying will eventually catch up with you.
Have Your Mom Write you a Laundry “Cheat Sheet”
There’s nothing worse than pulling your favorite shirt out of the dryer and realizing it’s now three sizes too small.
Mom’s cheat sheet can give you pointers including basic stuff like making sure you separate lights from darks (even though you probably won’t do it), but also how to get certain stains out and tips on how to avoid shrinking pretty much everything you own.
Talk to the Cute Girl or Guy Down the Hall
Put your game face on and step out of your comfort zone. Talk to the cute guy or girl in class or in the dining hall – it’s how you make friends. Anyway, you may only have one shot and you don’t want to miss the opportunity and then regret it.
It’s Okay Not to Know
In college, you’ll feel pressured to make big decisions about the direction of your life. It’s okay not to know. It’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to explore your options and figure it out as you go. You don’t have to have all the answers right now. So, lighten up and stop putting so much pressure on yourself.
Unless It’s Necessary, Don’t Get a Job Your Freshman Year (Or at Least the First Semester.)
Freshman year is filled with learning curves and adjustments. It’s hard enough trying to figure out how to live in a dorm and navigate college life – you don’t need the added pressure of working if you can help it.
Find Friends You Can Rely On – Even If It Takes A While
Find friends who will have your back, who lift you up and make you laugh. There are a ton of students on campus, if you haven’t found your tribe, keep looking. And, don’t get discouraged if it takes a while. Sometimes, it doesn’t happen right away… that’s okay.
Never, Ever Eat Your Roommate’s Food
There are a few things you should never do… like steal your roommate’s food, borrow his/her clothes (unless they say it’s okay), or snoop. Also, try not to be a total slob. Roommates hate that! Just be respectful of each other and you’ll be okay.
Make Your Dorm as Comfortable as Possible
Put some money into your comfort. Invest in the best mattress topper you can find, soft sheets, and a great blanket and pillows. Dorm beds really suck.
Vist Your Professors After Hours
They’re there to help you – take advantage of it. Plus, if you ever need a letter of recommendation for an internship or job, your professor(s) will actually know who you are.
Try Not to Skip Class
Sometimes missing just one class is enough to put you behind the eight ball and it can be hard as heck to catch up.
Learn How to Cook a Few Things in a Microwave
After a few months of college life, you won’t be nearly as excited to walk to the dining hall for food – especially if you’re tired, if it’s cold or raining, or if you’re totally stressed out because you have a ton of homework. Look for easy recipes you can whip up in a microwave – you’ll be glad you did!
Always Play It Safe on Campus
Most campuses have campus security systems, but sometimes things happen that are scary. Never walk around campus alone at night. Always use the buddy system, the college bus system, or take an Uber.
When Scheduling Classes, Don’t Pick Early Classes
You might think you’ll be able to get up at 9 a.m. when in reality, you won’t even be able to get up at 11 a.m.
Avoid Scheduling Friday Classes
It’s awesome to have a three-day weekend to get caught up.
Be Prepared, You’ll Take More L’s (Losses) Your Freshman Year of College Than You Have Your Entire Life
Don’t sweat it, though. Everyone is clueless their freshman year. You’ll laugh about it later…
People Always Think It’s Easy to Make Tons of Friends in College… It Isn’t
You have to work to make new friends. It might suck in the beginning, but once you find a good group of friends, they’ll become your family and you’ll always have each other’s back.
Even If You’re Tempted, Don’t Jump Into the Party Scene Right Off the Bat
Get to know the ropes, the people, and the vibe of college. Also, if you do drink, take it slow, especially if you don’t know your limitations. It’s not fun being totally trashed (plus, it’s dangerous).
If You Have a Lofted Bed, Put Up the Railing
If you fall off an elevated bed it hurts. If you fall off a lofted bed you’ll literally die or end up in a cast, one of the two.
If You’re At a Party and You Have a Friend Who Gets Really Drunk, DON’T Pay for Their Uber Back to Their Dorm
Take this college advice seriously to avoid spending a ton of money you probably don’t have. If they throw up in the Uber, you’re the one who will get charged the $200 cleaning fee. (Several college kids found this one out the hard way!)
College is a Time to Find Out Who You Really Are
It’s hard to do that when you’re constantly talking to boys (or girls) or in a relationship. Try to focus on yourself.
Start Getting Involved From Day One
Join a club, connect with kids in your classes, and go to football games – the sooner you start making friends and getting involved in campus life, the sooner you’ll adjust to the transition.
Cherish All Your High School Friends and Memories
It’s tough leaving them, but they will always be there to come back to. You’ll be surprised. When you come home it will feel like you never left and you’ll pick up right where you left off.
Don’t Be Afraid to Fail Along the Way… Believe Me, You Will
It’s okay. Just enjoy college and keep your head up high and know that you’re not alone.
Don’t Neglect Your Mental Health
Sometimes, college life can really take its toll on you… especially if you’re struggling in classes. Don’t wait to reach out for help and don’t be embarrassed. TONS of kids are in the same boat you are. It’s okay to ask for help.
Be Under No Illusion, STDs Are a Real Threat in College
There’s nothing worse on this earth than an STD scare. Don’t do anything stupid that you’ll later regret.
College is Going to Be Crazy, Exciting, and Confusing
Embrace it. Live spontaneously. Everyone in college pretty much does their own thing, so don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Just do YOU.
“College is like looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane.”