This post: College “Bed Party” Announcements are All the Rage! Here’s How to Jump on the Trend (Main image credit: (Markella on Pinterest)
Written by: Marybeth Bock
“Wait… what?” You might be thinking… did I just read that right? What the heck is a “bed party” and what in the world does it have to do with college admissions?
As most parents of college-bound kids know, March and April are typically when high school seniors are busy taking a hard look at their college pros and cons list and making the big decision about which college they want to attend. And, when they do finally make that important decision, quite often they want to shout out their announcement to the world. And, who can blame them? This is SUCH an exciting time for seniors!
Rather than merely sending out a group text to friends and relatives (after all, that is a little boring), some kids are jumping on a trend that’s crazy fun!
Sure it might be a little over the top… but hey, if it gets our kids excited about the next exciting chapter in their lives, why not?
College “Bed Party” Announcements are All the Rage! Here’s How to Jump on the Trend!
So, what exactly is a college bed party?
A bed party to publicly announce where a high school senior has decided to attend college is somewhat of a new trend. It kicked off on TikTok in 2020 when so many high school seniors were holed up at home social distancing and spending a lot of time in their bedrooms with no way to interact with friends except through social media.
Decorating their bed to the hilt to show off their college of choice gave college-bound kids a chance to really express their excitement in a creative, fun, and unique way that was 100% all their own all while sharing the exciting news with family and friends, far and wide.
The fun part is, when college-bound kids decorate their beds (and sometimes their walls, too)… pretty much anything goes! Think balloons, pennants, streamers, snacks of all kinds, and tons of college swag like shirts, hats, flags, sweatshirts, beverage containers, blankets, etc. Pretty much anything that showcases the college or college colors. How fun is that?
(Photo by Skyy on Pinterest)
Who’s doing all the buying and setting up for a bed party?
It’s fairly commonplace for the party to be a surprise for the high school senior, put on by a few of their friends, family members, or a combination of both. (But that doesn’t mean students can’t have a ball doing it themselves!)
Here’s what usually goes down:
A close friend organizes the event with a few friends and the student’s parents. The organizer delegates different items for people to buy and bring so that it’s a group effort and no one ends up spending more than anyone else. Of course, parents typically foot the bill for any pricier decor, college attire, or congratulatory gifts.
All the decorating is then done while the guest of honor is out of the house, like a traditional surprise birthday party.
When the student arrives home and walks into their bedroom, the surprise celebration officially begins! A lot of families make it special by serving cake or cupcakes, snacks, drinks, and, of course, taking the requisite photo shoot to spread the good news all over social media.
(Photo by on Pinterest)
If you’re worried about the cost of throwing a bed party… don’t be!
There are plenty of ways to jump on the trend without going overboard financially. To keep the budget in check, shop for items at dollar stores, discount retailers, and on Amazon. Of course, there are always those who like to do it up big and be a little extra, so the possibilities are endless.
(Photo by University of Delaware on Pinterest)
What do people really think about this new trend?
I’ve talked with some high school parents about this new trend, and, for many, it seems to fall in line with how they feel about all the other trends that never took place in years past. Trends like showy promposals, the elf on the shelf, destination pre-wedding celebrations, and gender reveal parties. It’s fun, for sure, but wow… here we go with another slightly over-the-top trend.
And, we all know this trend might not be for everyone – especially for students who didn’t get into the college they were hoping for, or for those who are choosing a different path after high school and don’t feel a sense of joy or excitement about college.
For many students, though, this is such a fun trend – not only because it celebrates high schoolers’ accomplishments and the exciting new journey they’re about to embark on, but also because it brings friends and family together in a fun and unique way.
(Photo by Daniella McCoy on Pinterest)
Plain and simple, a bed party is a super cute way to celebrate a student’s big decision and we all know how hard our kids have worked to make it through high school, get through the stressful college admissions process, and finally, get accepted into college – it’s only natural to want to celebrate!
(Photo by Adianez Labriel on Pinterest)
Are you ready to party? Ahem… bed party, that is?
To get the party rolling, make sure everyone involved remembers that the goal of the bed party, (or really any kind of pre-college celebration), should be to have fun together, keep it all in perspective, and not let it get out of hand or get too crazy expensive.
(Photo by Carly’s Chronicles on Pinterest)
The most important thing to remember is this… let’s focus on celebrating each and every student for their achievements, whether it’s in a public, splashy way or in a smaller, private way. Each student deserves to be celebrated in their own unique and special way!
(Photo by Nicolejmeehan on Pinterest)
If you’re throwing a bed party, here are a few useful links:
Amazon’s “College Bed Party Decorations”
Oriental Trading “2023 Graduation Decorations“
Party City’s “College and NCAA” Party Theme Décor
Kohl’s “College Pillows”
Fanatics “Shop by College Team” Fan Gear
Dick’s Sporting Goods “Shop by NCAA School”
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