This Post: Is Your Teen in Their Room Too Much? 8 Reasons Why They Crave Their Privacy Written By: Marybeth Bock Knock, knock, knock… “Hey buddy, are you still in…
parenting tips
This Post: Forgetfulness and Teens: Why I’m Not Bailing My Kid Out This Year Written By: Amannda Maphies “I forgot…” If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a million…
This Post: 25 Brutally Honest Nuggets of “Life Wisdom” for Graduating Seniors Written By: The Raising Teens Today Community For every graduating high school senior, here are a few (brutally…
This Post: Hey Mom, Please Keep Pursuing Me Written By: Carol Moore “Hey Mom, Please keep pursuing me. When my door is shut, keep knocking. When my words are few,…
This post: My Teen’s Moods Felt Like a Rejection Until I Realized They Had Little to Do With Me Written by: Carol Moore I had to get really brave when…
This post: Just Between Us: 10 Parent & Teen Journals to Keep Your Teen Talking If you’ve ever asked your teen, “How was your day?” and only got a grunt…
This post: It’s NOT Personal: 8 (Not So Nice) Things Teens Say and Why You Should Keep Your Composure Written by: Marybeth Bock When was the last time your teen…
This post: Raising Teenagers: 10 Things You Shouldn’t Do Nearly every parenting book about raising teenagers focuses on what you should do when you’re raising teens. Few talk about what…
This post: 8 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Open Your Home to Your Teen’s Friends Remember the days when our kids were young and we had playdates at the house?…
This post: When Your Teen Wants to Quit a Sport: A Lesson from Olympic Athletes Written by: Ali Flynn Throughout the most recent Winter Olympics, we all heard about the…