It’s such an exciting time! College freshmen from all over the country will soon be heading home for the Thanksgiving break. And, unless your freshman attends college close to home, chances are they haven’t stepped foot on home soil since last August.
The days leading up to their trip home are typically pretty frantic for college kids. They’re desperately trying to wrap up assignments in each of their classes, (hoping professors might cut them some slack since it’s the holidays and all…), trying to clean their dorm room (which is probably a disaster because they haven’t touched it much since they moved in), and getting caught up on laundry which, let’s face it, is another thing they haven’t done a whole lot of in the last few months.
What you may not realize, though, is that as they’re pushing through the stress of those final days trying to get everything done before they escape to freedom, they’re dreaming about everything they’re going to do the second they step foot in the door at home.
Since the day they left for college, which to them and us, seems like a lifetime ago, they’ve come to appreciate a few things. So, if you’re wondering what to expect when your freshman comes home, stand prepared.
Here are a few things your “utterly grateful” college freshman will do when they come home for Thanksgiving break:
Hug the Refrigerator (literally, if their arms could reach)
It’s pretty much a guarantee. Within minutes of walking in the door, your college freshman will hit the fridge, (that is after they hug you), and just stand there with the refrigerator doors wide open staring at the mountain of readily available food that awaits them.
Have your camera ready. The same look they had on their face when they saw their first Christmas tree as a toddler is the same look they’ll have on their face when they open those doors… total awe. (They might even get a tear in their eye.) After being stuck with a tiny refrigerator that barely holds leftover pizza and having to share it with a roommate who, from time to time, steals their food and doesn’t admit it, they’ll be pretty darn appreciative (and sappy) that they don’t have to go across campus to the dining hall just to grab a snack.
Expect You to Cook ALL Their Favorite Meals
And you thought you were going to have quality time with your child when they came home for Thanksgiving. Think again. They’ve been living off microwave Mac & Cheese, pizza that tastes like cardboard, granola bars and Ramen Noodles for the past three months. They want food…REAL food!
Get your apron on (if you own one), and start cooking. Chances are they’ll give you a list of everything they want you to make which is pretty much every single home-cooked meal they’ve missed and dreamed about since the day they left for college. By the time Thanksgiving break is over, you’ll be totally exhausted from standing on your feet cooking every day and your refrigerator will be practically empty with nothing to show for your efforts. (But, your heart will be full.)
Climb in Their Own Bed and Sleep for Hours and Hours and Hours
If I had to sleep on a bed that had the comfort rating of the back of an old pickup truck, I’d sleep for 15 hours too. Get their room ready, wash their sheets so they smell like home, fluff their pillows, air out their room so it’s fresh and maybe add a few flowers by their bedside (okay, maybe just the girls).
College freshmen desperately miss their own bed, they miss their own room and, mostly, they miss their own space. Put them to bed, shut their bedroom door, and let them enjoy as many luxurious hours of slumber as they need while visions of home-made waffles dance in their head.
Get in the Car and Drive
It’s been a long three months and a huge adjustment. One of the biggest adjustments for them? Having absolutely no escape from the confines of college turf. Sure, they’ve had their fair share of fun, but for the last three months they’ve been confined to a space that seemed pretty intimidating when they first got there, but now it’s been relegated to a pocket-sized piece of property in which they know every nook and cranny.
When Thanksgiving break rolls around, they’re ready to break free and “go.” Fill the car with gas, give them the car keys, and go to bed. They’ll come back eventually… mostly for the food.
Visit Their Friends
So many stories to tell, so many memories to share (most likely ones they would never tell us) – college freshmen can’t wait to come home and tell all their high school friends everything that’s happened at college since the moment they stepped on campus.
So, when your freshman tells you about all the plans they’ve made with their friends, don’t freak out. You’re definitely not alone. Grab as many precious moments as you can between visits with friends and remember, they’re feeling the pressure to juggle family and friends, so try not to put too much additional pressure on them. Anyway, don’t worry, they’ll be back home soon enough for the food.
Come to the Realization that You’re Pretty Darn Awesome
If everything you did for your kids throughout all the years when they were younger felt a little unnoticed and unappreciated, that’s all about to change. After being away from you for several months, having to do nearly everything on their own and navigating their way through life without a safety net, they’ve come to appreciate you far more than they did the day you tearfully waved goodbye and dropped them off at college.
Expect a few gushy hugs and heartfelt conversations that you thought would never be possible and give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. It took a while, but they finally figured it out…you ARE pretty darn awesome!