This Post: 10 Mini Changes Every Teen Can Make to Crush This Year
Written By: Marybeth Bock & Nancy Reynolds
It’s a New Year! Has your teen made any resolutions to make their life better this year? Maybe they’ve resolved to try harder in school or eat less junk food. Or, maybe they want to get fit or scroll through their phone less.
Of course, these resolutions are great. But… if your teen is anything like most people, they start out vowing to make big changes in their life only to lose motivation within a few weeks. (Tell them not to be too hard on themselves… we’re ALL guilty of it.)
That’s why, according to experts, it’s better to make mini changes in their lives that are not only achievable but won’t turn their lives upside down. After all, a teen who resolves to “do better in school” might have a hard time keeping up with that resolution if they don’t break it down into manageable pieces.
Rather than biting off way more than they can chew, here are ten mini changes every teen can make starting today that will add up to big wins over time.
10 Mini Changes Every Teen Can Make To Crush This Year
Pass this list along to your teen, parents! Here are 10 mini changes every teen can make that’ll add up to big life changes.
1. Scale Back (Just a Little) on Social Media
Listen, we get it. Scrolling through TikTok videos or Instagram is not only entertaining, it’s relaxing. It’s something you can do without using any brain cells whatsoever. But like everything else in life, too much of anything is never a good thing.
Take a look at the average number of hours you spent on your phone last week. You might be shocked. IMAGINE how different your life would be if you scaled back on social media one or two hours a week and used that time to work out at the gym, hang with friends (in person!), start a new hobby, or (GASP!) focus on homework or studying. Give it a try for a month and see, firsthand, the positive change in your life.
2. Go To Bed ONE Hour Earlier
Are you having a hard time waking up for school? Are you fighting to stay awake after lunch? Or, do you find yourself too tired to go out with your friends on Friday nights?
To fend off the constant sleepiness, why not strive for ONE extra hour of sleep per night? (Heck, even 30 extra minutes more a night will do your body good!)
Set an alarm and when it goes off, shut down your devices, turn the light down or off, and focus on relaxing. You might be surprised how quickly you fall asleep! Imagine… seven more hours of sleep a week!
3. Slip ONE Healthy Food into Your Daily Diet
You could be a teen who’s already nutrition-conscious (kudos to you if that’s the case), but a lot of teens aren’t. Most teens are downing Red Bulls, grabbing a bag of Cheetos in between meals, and going through the drive-thru several times a week.
Instead of committing to “eat healthier,” just make a vow to add ONE healthy food to your daily diet. Maybe it’s a healthy smoothie, edamame (it’s SO good and has a boatload of protein), or a handful of nuts (really any kind). This one mini change in your life can add up to big changes in how you feel.
4. Clean Your Room (You Might Be Surprised at the Results!)
I get that you want the freedom to do as you please in your bedroom and I understand that life can get busy with school, sports, after-school activities, your job, and chores so keeping your room spotless is an unrealistic expectation.
But, hear me out on this… little do you know that the benefits of cleaning your room are so profound that it can quite literally change your life.
The proven concept is simple: The easiest and most effective way to change your life for the better is to start with what is immediately in front of you. And that begins with your physical environment – your bedroom.
5. Hold Back on the Snarkiness With Your Parents (Even a Little!)
How many times did you get into an argument with your mom or dad this year? How often was it because you responded to something they asked or said in a snarky or disrespectful) tone?
Imagine how much more harmony you’d have in your life if you just held your tongue more often. Skip the eye-rolling, heavy sigh, slamming door, or sassy comeback and focus on offering a calm, mature response.
Surely you’ve realized how awful it feels to be at odds with your parents. (That’s not to say you’re always the cause of it.) The next time it happens, take a big deep breath, go into your bedroom, shut the door, and give yourself a moment to compose yourself.
6. Get Up 15 Minutes Earlier for School
Are you always rushed and stressed getting out the door for school? Are you scrambling to find your shoes, your backpack, or the paper you worked on last night? Imagine how 15 extra minutes to get ready could transform your morning.
It’s not a monumental shift in your schedule… just a tiny mini tweak that can make ALL the difference in the world when it comes to your stress and anxiety. Try it! You might be surprised how it sets your day on a positive path.
7. Plan ONE New Adventure a Month
Just imagine if you went on ONE cool adventure a month from the time you were 13 until the time you hit 60. That would be 564 fun and exciting adventures you’d have to reflect back on.
It doesn’t have to be a crazy or expensive adventure… it can be virtually anything you find rather adventurous! Maybe it’s trying a new food, going hiking or camping with your friends, trying your hand a rock climbing (with an expert, of course), or merely getting up early with your friends to watch the sunrise. Life really IS what you make it!
8. Strive to Make ONE New Friend a Month
Maybe it’s the shy kid in your class. Or, maybe it’s your co-worker who always seems happy and has the most contagious laugh. Why not reach out and get to know them better?
Make those connections, build those relationships, and expand your friend group. Imagine having 12 new friends you can call on when you want someone to go to the movies with or you’re itching for a burger at your favorite place and all your “close” friends are busy. You hold the power to make LOTS of new friends… just go for it!
9. Celebrate “Micro” Milestones
By nature, most teens are pretty hard on themselves – which is exactly why you need to celebrate your wins no matter how insignificant they may seem. Got a C on a test you thought you failed? Celebrate! Made one goal this season? Celebrate! Got through a rough day? Celebrate?
Pat yourself on the pat for every little win…. better yet, write them down, put them in a box, and open them next year. Maybe then you’ll realize how amazing you really are!
10. Do ONE Nice Thing for Someone Once a Week
It’s called a “helper’s high” – essentially a positive emotional response to performing altruistic acts which leads to increased feelings of happiness and a sense of purpose.
Whether you pay someone a compliment, offer to help a friend with their homework, or surprise your mom and take the dishes out of the dishwasher. You just might be surprised to see how good it feels!
Tiny tweaks like these can lead to tremendous change in your life. Give them a try!
1 comment
Love this for my own teen boys and high schoolers I work with also.