Welcome to the Raising Teens Today Writer’s Submission Page!
Hey guys! We would love to consider your submission for publication on Raising Teens Today! All writers are welcome!
Before you make your submission, here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Raising Teens Today is a site geared toward parents of teenagers. Please make sure the piece you are submitting specifically relates to teenagers.
- We welcome a variety of different types of submittals including humorous, research-based, heartfelt/personal essays, expert insight or anything in-between.
- While we love and welcome seasoned writers, we realize that some of the best writers on the planet are moms and dads who speak from the heart and who have the ability to connect with other parents through their own experiences as a parent of teenagers. Therefore, even if you have never been published before, feel free to submit your piece for consideration.
- Your submittal should be between 700 – 1200 words (or thereabout… we’re not sticklers).
- When emailing us your submittal, please include the submittal in the body of the email (not as an attachment) and only submit your headshot as an attachment.
- When submitting your piece, please provide a brief bio (2-3 sentences will work great) and a headshot. If you have a website/blog or social media links you would like to include in the bio, please feel free. We will include the bio/headshot at the bottom of your post.
- Please know that we may tweak your suggested title or content a bit to align with our “voice.”
- We love original content but will consider republishing content. Please let us know if your submittal has been previously published and where.
- Raising Teens Today will not publish any posts/content that is advertorial in nature (basically, if it sounds like you’re promoting a website, product or service, we can’t publish it).
- Unfortunately, we are unable to pay for submissions at this time, however, we will promote your post along with your bio/headshot on our website and across all our social media channels including Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Due to the volume of submittals we receive, we may not have the ability to respond to everyone. (We will try!) If your content has been accepted for submittal, we will contact you within two weeks.
- Once your piece is “live,” share away! The more we all share, the more exposure your post will receive!
** PLEASE NOTE: On occasion, Raising Teens Today will post sponsored content (posts written by businesses that offer insight, research or information relevant to our readers with a link in the bio to their business). Please know, there is a fee for sponsored posts. Feel free to contact us for details.
** Remember, if we publish your original piece on Raising Teens Today, you will not be able to republish it on a third party site. However, you may republish it on your personal website or blog.
Send your submittal to:
If you have questions or need clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
Also, don’t forget to follow Raising Teens Today!